โI am Matty Riches, Founder of Tetra Zebra. I live in the U.K. (Kent) with my Wife, Son & Dog and this is where Tetra Zebra has come to life. Over the last 2 years, I have built a crazy passion and love for producing elite level, natural soap.
Ever since being a teenager, I have had sensitive skin. Prone to acne, flakey & itchy. When I started to look into what I was actually rubbing on my skin every day, I was shocked. I have created this brand to do one thing. Give men a much better, proper natural option, when it comes to what they use to wash with.
When you look at what is on offer in the mainstream for bathing & showering, men are getting completely done over.
Something needs to change.
Walk into your local supermarket and try and find a genuine bar of soap or body wash that is truly natural, smells masculine and last more than a couple of weeks. They are hard to come by.
Here are some of the key reasons why I started this mission:
1) Natural doesn't always mean natural. There are loopholes in 'natural claims' in the cosmetic industry, meaning you don't have to be 100% natural to say a product is natural.
2) Palm oil is getting whacked into absolutely everything, especially cosmetics. It is cheap and the production of this ingredient is a major driver of deforistisation around the world. My son loves 100% natural peanut butter, until one day, the manufacturer decided to add palm oil, for what reason? They claim it is to make the butter more 'spreadable'.
3) The colours used in most soaps are either mica or synthetic materials. Synthetic is made in a lab and the production of mica seemed questionable when we researched it. We believe there are much better options out there.
4) The nice 'fragrances' are often synthetic, harsh and made with with ingredients you've never heard of.
All of this made no sense to me. This is when my mission became clear & simple:
Show men there is a much better way to a better scrub down, by producing proper natural soap, that smells quality and lasts longer than a couple of blasts in the shower.
I work a traditional 9-5 job. This is my second full time job. Before I started learning how to make soap, I learnt about what is good for your skin. I also decided very quickly that nothing but mother nature will be present in a block of soap that I produce. I will stand by that.
I have spent countless hours in my shed at the bottom of my garden, through all the seasons, trialling different soaping methods, ingredients & scent profiles and studied how they develop & perform over time. After producing over 150 variants, I landed on a base bar that works and a starting range of 7 scents.
I remember having my first shower with my own soap and being blown away by the fact that you don't need chemicals to produce outrageous scents and a top level bubbly lather. And to top it off, you can use some serious great ingredients that are heavily researched and championed for their skin benefits.
We will show men, that there is a better way to a proper scrub down & significantly accelerate the usage of natural soap across the UK, in the next 5 years.
How we are addressing the problem we see:
1) We will stay independent.
2) We will only ever use clays, charcoal and plants to colour our blocks.
3) We will not use palm oil.
3) We will only add additives that have skin sprucing properties like nettle root powder, bladderwrack seaweed and bamboo powder.
4) We have made our blocks larger than most competitors and cured them for 6 weeks which is longer than standard, allowing them to harden to the maximum for proper longevity and great lathering performance. The aim is for men to get 30+ scrubs to avoid using more than 1 block per month. We can't guarantee this but we will be surprised if you don't get close. Disclaimer: It depends how wild your technique is too!
5) We will always show full transparency. Check out our ingredients page to support our fully natural claims.
6) They will smell tremendous. We create bespoke, bold scents, all in-house, using natural essential oil. Never synthetic.
If you want something that is going to give you a naughty scrub down, contributes towards creating a clean positive vibe for you and gives you full faith that you have a legit natural product in your hands, then get spruced up and give us a go.
It doesn't matter what you do or who you are. It's about how you feel and how you look after your body. And that is where we can help you.
We are bringing soap back.
How's your vibe?
Matty Riches AKA Chief Cedarwood Lover.
how it started
creating tetra zebra.
who is tetra zebra?
Inspired by the Mexican Tetra Fish who can regenerate its own heart tissue without scarring.ย
โInfused with the ability of the Zebra Fish who has a locker full of skills, which includes the ability to regenerate not just their heart, but its fins, spinal cord, and retinas.
TETRA ZEBRA IS BORN and he is the champion of new beginnings.
Tetra Zebra has mastered starting over and he was brought into this world to inspire the men of today and future generations, to truly look after their bodies & souls, by selecting natural products as a first preference when it comes to decisions over their scrub down routine. That means helping men shower and bathe like an absolute pro. In some cases, it means inspiring a new beginning and providing men with a proper choice to step into natural. It might feel weird to start with because why change from what you've always known?ย
What you rub on, is just as important as what you put in. When you think about what you apply to your skin and hair on a daily basis, are they good for your vibe?ย
โNew beginnings donโt have to be difficult.
โThat includes going natural and taking care of number one. You.